Not too far from the eastern side of the Southern Howling Forest, as the great plains start to meet the trees, the warm climate is home to a rather quaint and unsuspecting chapel.
The Crone Chapel has a rather small congregation. Most people travelling in this region take little to no interest in the activities taking place at the site.
However, this small stone building houses a colossal secret. A hidden staircase leads deep down into the depths below, leading into a massive crypt with a humongous statue dedicated to the Crone herself.
Many clusters of crypts filled with sarcophagi populate the chambers of this dark and foreboding labyrinth of a resting place.
Being laid to rest within the Crone's chambers is considered a great honor, symbolizing the completion of a full and worthy life. However, to earn this privilege, initiates of her order must first carry out dark deeds as part of their devotion.
Spectres also roam the long corridors of these chambers, hunting down unwanted guests.
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